Overweight and obesity
Obesity is a complex disease that consists of having an excessive amount of body fat. Obesity is not only an aesthetic problem, but also entails different risks for the patient’s health, developing chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, among others.
Losing weight for many patients is really difficult. Obesity is not due only to bad habits, but there may be hereditary, physiological factors, and others that do not favor weight loss, such as the environment, a sedentary life, or a bad diet.
With good control of obesity, risk factors and improving different aspects of daily life, controlling and supported with complementary tests, diet and nutritional education, counseling and follow-up on healthy habits, the patient’s quality of life can greatly improve. .
The professionals in charge of this unit have extensive experience and training in this field, trying to provide the patient with personalized attention and treatment, always from a medical point of view and controlling the multiple risk factors that said overweight can entail.
How we work?
In the overweight and obesity unit we make a first visit to evaluate the patient; The doctor will take the medical history, a comprehensive assessment with cardiovascular risk factors, an assessment of the body mass index and body fat, and all the complementary tests that each case requires (analytics, radiological tests, cardiac tests…). Then different therapeutic options will be considered. Secondly, it will be assessed by the team nutritionist who will carry out a personalized diet and nutritional education guidelines.
Dr. Guillermo Arbe – Cardiovascular Risk Unit Manager
Camila Rolón – Nutritionist